Monday, December 5, 2022

Boot AIX lpar from single user mode to multiuser

Boot a AIX lpar which was stuck in single user mode. AIX admin unable to access over network using ip address and cyyberark

Solution: Tried to access using nim jump server, putty and cyyberark but throwing network connection timeout, do decided to access from HMC console and found its stuck at single user mode.

Happy reading

LDAP user authentication issue on AIX LDAP client

Login issue for multiple LDAP users on AIX client server.

Hello all, 

Today I am going to discuss one incident where User on AIX server unable to switch to his home directory and when AIX admin tried to list user properties using lsuser command that command also not showing any details.

 #lsuser -R LDAP username 

Error message: 
3004-687 user abcd does not exist.

When did primary check found that this issue is on all LDAP client server.
Steps which AIX admin must perform to do troubleshooting are
  • Check whether NFS mounted LDAP mount point is mounted and healthy state . From this nfs mount point user home directory is accessible.
  • Make sure that slapd -server daemon and secldapclntd - Client Daemon active on LDAP server and LDAP client.
  • Also make sure that there is no CPU and memory bottleneck on this server.
✓checked and verify LDAP demon working on AIX LDAP server and client.using following command
#ps -eaf |grep -i slapd
#ps -eaf |grep -i secldapclntd
#ps -eaf |grep -i LDAP 

AIX LDAP  Server Daemon : slapd
 runs in LDAP server, processes the requests from LDAP client server

 #lsuser -R LDAP username // to disply LDAP user information 
secldapclntd - Client Daemon 

In case restart of client LDAP daemon need that achieved by using command:
# /usr/sbin/restart-secldapclntd

Below command will display ldapsever which is currently active.
#ps -eaf |grep -i LDAP this will show running daemon process on AIX LDAP client and server.

Second thing which tried to verify is log file of LDAP on AIX LDAP server, here is the main breakthrough/clue we got.also we engaged database team and they saying that authentication denied error they getting when they tried to login, this information was sufficient to move towards solution. Also from AIX side IBM software support suggested to reset ldapdb2 user password.

Problem is ldapdb2 password was expired and that causing LDAP client requests are rejected.
Log file path for LDAP server where found ldapdb2 password expired 
"db2cli.log" had following error message
"Sql30082N security processing failed with reason 1 password expired sqlstate=08001"

Also for this we got software support and they suggested to run command to reset password of ldapdb2 user.
Command for password reset on AIX ldap server
#idscfgdb -l ldapdb2 -w <new password>

Here make sure that ibm slapd must be stopped when AIX admin execute this command.

✓Executed following command and took reboot of AIX LDAP server.
idscfgdb -l ldapdb2 -w <new password>

Also here forgot one thing that when thus issue occurred during that time our AIX patching team did pathcing and our first doubt was this caused because of this pathching, but main culprit was ldapdb2 password was expired. After password reset and AIX LDAP server reboot all AIX LDAP client able to access their home directory and switch to their account 

At the end we can conclude that there are following possible reasons for error "3004-687 user does not exist on LDAP client
1 check secldapclntd is active and running on AIX client.
2 Check whether NFS mounted LDAP mount point is mounted and healthy state
 runs in LDAP server, processes the requests from LDAP client server. Make sure it's active
4.Last important is ldapdb2 user password is not expired

Useful command while troubleshooting LDAP issue on AIX

#lsuser -R LDAP username 

#idscfgdb -l ldapdb2 -w <new password>.      Reset ldapdb2 password 

#ps -eaf |grep -i LDAP.       Display running LDAP process

# /usr/sbin/restart-secldapclntd.       Restart LDAP client demon

# /usr/sbin/start-secldapclntd    start LDAP client demon

# /usr/sbin/stop-secldapclntd          stop LDAP client demon

Thanks  :)
Happy Reading !!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

VCS freeze and unfreeze on AIX

VCS freeze and unfreeze on AIX

Resource group switch and online and offline on AIX VCS cluster

Resource group switch and online and offline on AIX VCS cluster

Helpful command hagrp, hastatus.
Command usefull during DR .

Saturday, December 3, 2022

AIX HACMP script to monitor cluster resource group health

Shell script to monitor AIX cluster health

while true
lssrc -ls clstrmgrES |grep -i state
Sleep 5

It show RG status and cluster is in stable or not.

Thanks !!!

How to access LPAR from HMC console

How To access AIX LPAR VIO inside power server frame using HMC command line console.

1.Login to HMC using IP address or FQDN
2. Enter following command


This command will display all POWER frame connected to this HMC, enter number of a frame which you wanted to access.

3. if AIX admin wanted to see list of AIX LPAR and VIO inside powerframe6, he must enter number 6


hscroot@hmc> vtmenu
 Retrieving name of managed system(s) . . . 

  Managed Systems:

 Enter Number of Managed System.   (q to quit): 1

  Partitions On Managed System:  powerframe1
   1)    lpar1                              Running
   2)    lpar2                              Running
   3)    lpar3                              Running
   4)    lpar4                              Running
   5)    lpar5                              Running

Enter user name : root
Enter password :XXXXXXXX



now AIX admin can access AIX LPAR using entering number. In this case AIX admin wanted to access
lpar1 so here he entered 1.

once entered AIX admin can login using root password.

AIX admin can exit from lpar1# console using following sequence of steps.
lpar1# exit

once exited from # prompt,


login: ~.

Terminate session [y/n]: y

once AIX admin pressed yes it will exit AIX lpar1 session.

**AIX admin must press ~ first and then . to exit AIX lpar1 session.
~.  (tilt +dot)  //key combination

Thanks !!!!


Add Alias IP address to AIX server ethernet interface using chdev command

 Hello All,

Today topic is Alias IP configuration on ethernet interface.

Scenario 1:

Alias IP configuration on en0 using chdev with permanent/temporary.

Command for assigning alias IP on en0 interface permanently is like following.

#chdev -l en0 -a alias4=,

This will add IP address as Alias IP to en0 interface. AIX admin can verify this using command

#ifconfig -a 

Chdev command permanently set IP to interface en0. this alias IP address remain on AIX interface after reboot also.

    Let's consider scenario where AIX admin wanted to set IP address for temporary purpose, he can use following command 

#ifconfig en0 netmask alias

Scenario 2:

If AIX admin wanted to remove that alias IP, how he can remove that??


Remove a permanently added alias from an interface

chdev -l en0 -a delalias4=,

Another useful command for adding default route on AIX server

#route add default

Here I am sharing small script to check whether AIX server ethernet interface are pingable or not


for i in `ifconfig -a |grep -i inet |awk '{print $2}'`


echo $i

ping -c 10  $i


Above script will ping to IP address assigned to interface, if they up and active will get ping response.


Friday, December 2, 2022

Execute AIX mksysb in background with nohup utility

 Hello All,

Today i am writing this blog to show how AIX Admin can Execute AIX mksysb backup using "nohup" utility and monitor logs using tail command.

                        AIX Mksysb                                 

This method is usefull to get logs of AIX mksysb backup command

#nohup mksysb -ieX /backup/Aixlpar.mksysb &

Above command will generate 1 process id and run this command in background, also create nohup.out file,where all logs for above command will logged. If above mksysb backup command fails,AIX admin can review nohup.out file and take correct action to solve issue.

Command to monitor logs in "nohup.out"   // nohup.out will genrate in same path from where AIX admin executed mksysb command.

#tail -f nohup.out

Some other useful command for taking AIX server mksysb backup are :

Create a mksysb backup of the rootvg volume group

 #mksysb -i /mnt/Aixlpar.mksysb.`hostname`_`date +%m%d%y`

Above command will create backup with servername and time,date and year format.

Thanks !!!


Friday, November 18, 2022

Script for enabling failed vscsi and fscsi path on AIX client .

 Hello All,

Today will share small script which tested and used for enabling failed path on AIX client LPAR.

sometime AIX admin needs to take reboot of VIO server for maintenance activity, when AIX admin reboot 1 VIO server out of 2 then 1 VSCSI or FSCSI path become failed. once VIO is up and active sometime AIX admin observe that after VIO up some path still in failed state. AIX admin can try following script to enable those path

Scenario: Script to enable only failed path

for s in `lspath |grep -i failed|awk '{print $2}'`


chpath -l $s -p `lspath -l $s |grep -i failed|awk '{print $3}'` -s Enabled

sleep 2


To confirm whether any path on VIO server is failed or not

#lspath |grep -i failed

Thanks  !!!


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Run perfpmr on AIX to provide performance data from AIX server.

 Sometime AIX admin needs to provide AIX LPAR performance data to support for analysis,

this data generally required when there is performance issue on AIX LPAR.


perfpmr data accurate and effective when AIX admin run during problem window or when problem exists.

IBM support provide script of perfpmr AIX admin must run script which is valid according to version of AIX operating system

steps to run perfpmr on AIX


step 1:


           From the internet:


     configure "perfpmr" 1st time 

          once following file downloaded and placed on temporary location on AIX LPAR ,follow following procedure,

         login as root 

          create perf71 directory inside /tmp  and move tar file to that directory 

             # mkdir /tmp/perf71
             # cd /tmp/perf71

          c. extract the shell scripts out of the compressed
               tar file:

             # zcat /tmp/perf71.tar.Z | tar -xvf -

Step 2:

Create following directory

# mkdir /tmp/perfdata
# cd /tmp/perfdata

and run following script to start perfpmr and make sure that following script executed from "/tmp/perfdata" path only. if he execute in any other path all data will be collected there.

#nohup /tmp/perf71/ 600 &

it will run command in background for 600 seconds, for 10 minutes

AIX Admin can monitor this by 

#tail -f nohup.out 

once from nohup.out AIX admin confirm that perfpmr completed ,admin can convert that directory to pax.gz by following command

#cd /tmp

#ls -ld perfdata

#pax -xpax -vw perfdata | gzip -c > pmr#.pax.gz

once file is genrated send that file to IBM support for analysis.



split command Unix AIX

split command Unix AIX

AIX split command is useful when larg size "snap" file genrated and AIX admin unable to upload it on IBM ecurep portal because of file upload size restriction on company environment.

AIX admin can split file by using following command.

#split -b  size_of _file large_size_file_name

---size of file  ,  Here AIX admin mention 10th of the size of file, displayed by ls -l command
---large_size_file_name--- Mention file name which AIX admin wanted to split.

after above split command execution following 3 file will get generated,


AIX admin upload these files to ecurep portal.

this way AIX admin split large size file in 3 part and reduce size. this will help to bypass restriction of larg file upload

Thanks !!!!!

iptrace run on AIX client and server

 Execute IPtrace on AIX Server and client for IBM support.


AIX NFS client command

#startsrc -s iptrace -a "-a -bd server IP /tmp/iptracefile.client.raw"

AIX NFS server command

#startsrc -s iptrace -a "-a -bd Client IP /tmp/iptracefile.client.raw"

When AIX admin run iptrace for certain time period ,admin can stop iptrace using following command

stopsrc -s iptrace // for stopping on client and server


Saturday, October 22, 2022

Extended grep use and example on UNIX and AIX server

 How AIX and UNIX admin use extended grep with example.



Lets observe following example where AIX admin wanted to check path of  storage disk.

#lspath |grep -w "hdisk2"

#lspath |grep -w "hdisk3"

#lspath |grep -w "hdisk4"

Instead of typing above single command for getting path details, AIX admin can use following extended grep.

#lspath |grep -E " hdisk2 |hdisk 3 |hdisk4"

above command will display path information for hdisk2 ,hdisk3 and hdisk4.

Thanks !!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2022

Move resource group from one node to other using clRGmove command

Move resource group from one node to other AIX hacmp
AIX admin also use command to move RG,like below

clRGmove -g <RG> -n  <node> -m

<RG> --This is resource group name
-n  --This is for node name is HACMP cluster

After RG movement completed successfully use following command to confirm if resource group movement completed successfully.

#lssrc -ls clstrmgrES |grep -i state   // To check cluster state

Always Take cluster snapshot before doing any criticle activity, also make sure that admin have all pre-chek and mksysb.

How to move resource group using smitty menu

smitty hacmp

                    HACMP for AIX

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Initialization and Standard Configuration
  Extended Configuration
  System Management (C-SPOC)
  Problem Determination Tools

Select "System Management"


         System Management (C-SPOC)

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Manage HACMP Services
  HACMP Communication Interface Management
  HACMP Resource Group and Application Management
  Open a SMIT Session on a Node

Select "HACMP Resource Group and Application Management"


          HACMP Resource Group and Application Management

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Show the Current State of Applications and Resource Groups
  Bring a Resource Group Online
  Bring a Resource Group Offline
  Move a Resource Group to Another Node / Site

  Suspend/Resume Application Monitoring
  Application Availability Analysis

Select "Move a Resource Group to Another Node / Site"


           Move a Resource Group to Another Node / Site

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Move Resource Groups to Another Node
  Move Resource Groups to Another Site

Select "Move Resource Groups to Another Node"


		   Select a Resource Group                      
 Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.                             
   # Resource Group                State                Node(s) / Site    
     app_rg                       ONLINE                node1 /         
     data_rg                      ONLINE                node2 /        

Select the resource group to be moved.


		   Select a Destination Node                         
  Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.                             
    # *Denotes Originally Configured Highest Priority Node                 

Select a destination node.


         Move Resource Group(s) to Another Node

Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

                                                        [Entry Fields]
  Resource Group(s) to be Moved                       app_rg
  Destination Node                                    node2

Confirm the entry fields are correct and press Enter


  Command: OK            stdout: yes           stderr: no

Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.

Attempting to move resource group app_rg to node node2.

Waiting for the cluster to process the resource group movement request....

Waiting for the cluster to stabilize........................................

Resource group movement successful.
Resource group app_rg is online on node2.

Cluster Name: node2

Resource Group Name: app_rg
Node                         State
---------------------------- ---------------
node2                       ONLINE
node1                       OFFLINE

Resource Group Name: data_rg
Node                         State
---------------------------- ---------------
node2                       OFFLINE
node1                       ONLINE


Thanks !!!!

Shutdown service on GPFS node



On GPFS node sometime AIX admin need to stop GPFS on  that specific node.

command for that is:

mmshutdown -N nodename //stop gpfs service on only specific node

mmshutdown -a //it will stop GPFS on all node of cluster

mmgetstate -aLs //show status of GPFS cluster,generally use for GPFS cluster health check

mmstartup -a //It will start GPFS on all cluster node

IOCP in defined state in AIX LPAR

 How to enable/configure  IOCP on AIX LPAR without rebooting AIX LPAR

sometime AIX admin come across situation where oracle/db2/SAP team request to enable defined IOCP port to available.

Also make sure that following fileset are installed on AIX LPAR

#lslpp -l bos.iocp.rte

Fileset Level State Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: /usr/lib/objrepos bos.iocp.rte APPLIED I/O Completion Ports API Path: /etc/objrepos bos.iocp.rte COMMITTED I/O Completion Ports API

----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

  1. use root user id for executing "smitty iocp".
  2. Check IOCP by executting following command 

lsdev-Cc iocp


    • iocp0 Defined  I/O Completion Ports  //using smitty iocp enable
    • iocp0 Available  I/O Completion Ports // No need to enable IOCP
  1.  smitty  iocp
  2. Select Configure Defined I/O Completion Ports.

When command complete, 

output  iocp0 Available.

  1. EXIT from smitty menu.
  2. Execute following command to check status of IOCP using command .

lsdev -Cc iocp

Output should read iocp0 Available  I/O Completion Ports.

IF still iocp0 is in defined state then execute "cfgmgr" command to enable it.

If AIX admin want to enable iocp0 permanantly, AIX admin must choose following option

at smitty menu

"At system restart, change the configured state from Defined to Available"

Thanks !!!!!


Trial capacity on Demand for AIX LPAR on POWER system frame -TCOD

 Trial/Temporary Capacity on Demand (CoD) -- AIX

What is Trial capacity on Demand??


You can evaluate the use of inactive processors, memory, or both, at no charge using Trial CoD. 

After it is started, the trial period is available for 30 power-on days.

How to enable Temporary TCOD on AIX Frame:

In our environment we tried to enable it for 24hrs only and its temporary


AIX LPAR   Current PU         Current VP                  Target PU      Target VP

gold_LPAR     2 4 8 10

Silver_LPAR     1 4 8 10

Diamond_LPAR  2         4        8         10

Marble_LPAR      2 4 8 10

Before proceeding for TCOD and DLPAR operation make sure that on the AIX frame enough free CPU processing units are available.

if not then AIX admin need to get those.

Step 1

Login to HMC

step 2

select frame, where AIX admin wants to perform TCOD

step 3

Select COD Functions --->

Under on/off Processor choose ----->manage

Here enter:

1. Number of On/Off COD processor: 25

2.Number of Days:1

How we calculate Number of On/Off COD processor??


Total Current processing units: 2+1+2+2=7

Total Target Processing Units=8+8+8+8=32

2 case we need to consider here before adding "Number of On/Off COD processor"

Case 1 where no no free processing units available

If on our AIX Frame there is no free processing units available, then AIX admin need to add total 25 processing units under step3.


Case 2

If there is 10 processing units free on AIX frame then AIX admin can add 15 processing units.

Target requirement 25 and free on AIX Frame is 10

Target Processing UNITS- Free Processing units on AIX frame= 15

so need to add only 15 prcessor under step 3 "Nmber of On/Off COD 

Step 4:

Business requirement is for 24 hrs only so we are mentioning 1 day here

Number of Days:1

AIX admin need to deactive/remove CPU resource before specified time expires ,using DLPAR option.

If he forgot to do so will get charged for extra day.

step 5:

Then AIX admin need to make sure that these units are showing as free on AIX frame.

once he sure that,there are 25 processing units are free he can proceed for DLPAR operation of "Entitled Processing units" and "Virtual Processing units"

step 6:

After DLPAR operation performed by AIX Admin , he assigned "Target Processing Units" and "Target Virtual processor", he need to take command line session 

of HMC using hscroot to to run optimizer command using hscroot user

#lsmemopt -m sys -o currscore -r lpar

Above command will show score value ,till we get value 95 we have to run following optimizer command

once you run optimizer command wait for 15-20 minutes and check score using "lsmemopt" command.

Optimize command:

#optmem -m <frame name> -t affinity -o start

Example of command if my frame name is p9117-pmmd-hmc10

 To list score 


lsmemopt -m p9117-pmmd-hmc10 -o currscore -r lpar

To optimize on specific frame


optmem -m p9117-pmmd-hmc10 -t affinity -o start

**once AIX admin get score is equal to 95 or greater that 95 then no need to execute optimizer command


How AIX admin will deactivate TCOD before time expire:

step 1.

Go to HMC perform DLPAR and assign "processsing units" and Virtual Processor which was set before TCOD operation.

step 2: once "processing units" are free, AIX admin confirm this by checking at frame level.

step 3: Once he sure that "processor are free he needs to follow below sequence:


Select COD Functions --->

Under on/off Processor choose ----->manage

Here enter :

1. Number of On/Off COD processor: 0

2.Number of Days:0

Then press OK button. AIX admin confirm this by checking free available processing units at frame level.


AIX admin must run following 2 command

To list score 


lsmemopt -m p9117-pmmd-hmc10 -o currscore -r lpar

To optimize on specific frame


#optmem -m p9117-pmmd-hmc10 -t affinity -o start

**once AIX admin get score is equal to 95 or greater that 95 then no need to execute optimizer command

Thanks  !!!!

Friday, October 7, 2022

Run full fsck on AIX lpar for superblock corruption

Run full fsck on AIX LPAR for superblock corruption incident

One of the file system on AIX was not mounted and when tried to mount it throwing following error:

But before running fsck, which things AIX admin need to check:

1. Check with backup team, for latest backup of affected filesystem.
2. if it's any application/DB filesystem then need to take necessary down time and approval before performing fsck to fix superblock dirty issue.

Error details:
mount:0506:324 can not mount

Superblock is dirty on /dev/oraclelv .
Run full fsck to fix this.

Solution AIX admin used: 

#fsck -yvv /dev/oraclelv      //Full fsck command to fix superblock dirty issue

After fsck fixed superblock then execute following command to mount file system 

mount /orafs

Thanks !!!

Sunday, May 29, 2022

How to delete old file using find command on AIX operating system

Delete log files on AIX operating system which are older than 365 days.

Command to list these files
#find /oracle/log -name "*.log" -mtime +365 -exec ls -lrt {} \;

#find /oracle/log -name "*.txt" -mtime +365 -exec ls -lrt {} \;

Above command will list which are older than 365 days.

If UNIX AIX admin wanted to remove them after approval from Oracle team he can remove by following command

#find /oracle/log -name "*.log" -mtime +365 -exec rm {} \;

find /oracle/log -name "*.txt" -mtime +365 -exec rm {} \;

Same command AIX admin can use different criteria like 100 days, 200 days old file housekeeping,by modifying -mtime .


Thursday, May 19, 2022

create file backup using script on AIX operating system.


for inputfile in test1 test2 test3 test3
cp $inputfile ${inputfile}.bkp
echo $inputfile backup created successfully
Sleep 2

Monday, May 2, 2022

How To replace faulty ethernet adapter Which is part of shared ethernet on AIX VIO, without reconfiguring SEA

 Replace faulty ethernet adapter Which is part of shared ethernet on AIX VIO, without reconfiguring SEA.

Lets see....


on VIO server version 2.2 one of the 4 port ethernet adapter is faulty and it caused ,SEA in error state.

we provided snap to IBM CE from VIO and IBM confirmed that ethernet adapter is faulty it needs to be replaced.

So following steps IBM recommended:

Steps 1:

Take all prechecks for VIO like ,latest mksysb, viosbr and all necessary health check

step2 :

Make sure that AIX admin have faulty ethernet adapter location details:

lsslot -c pci // Display all Hot hot-plug slots in the system unit.


ent0  10/100 Base-TX Ethernet PCI Adapter  // port 1

ent1 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet PCI Adapter  //// port 2

ent2  10/100 Base-TX Ethernet PCI Adapter // port 3

ent3  10/100 Base-TX Ethernet PCI Adapter // port 4

if admin do #lscfg -vpl ent0 

#lscfg -vpl ent0 // show location of faulty ethernet adapter

step 3:

once location identified and IBM CE in data center ,identify that faulty ethernet adapter using "diag" utility.

#diag-->press enter-->task selection-->hot plug task-->PCI hot plug task-->identify PCI hot plug slot--->select and set to identify mode .

once CE confirm this , admin exit from this window


failover all SEA to secondary VIO and shutdown VIO

for i in `lsdev -Cc adapter | grep -i shared |awk '{print $1}'`
echo "-------shared SEA $i  failover to partner VIO------ "
chdev -l $i -a ha_mode=standby
echo "---------------------"
sleep 2

step 5:

Ask IBM CE to replace faulty ethernet adapter

once ethernet adapter is replaced ,activate VIO and do health check.

step 6:

check ethernet adapter is available .then do SEA failback.

for i in `lsdev -Cc adapter | grep -i shared |awk '{print $1}'`
echo "-------shared SEA $i  failover to partner VIO------ "
chdev -l $i -a ha_mode=auto
echo "---------------------"
sleep 2

check SEA link, by following script

for i in `lsdev -Cc adapter | grep -i shared |awk '{print $1}'`
echo "-------shared SEA $i  state priority and active status ------ "
entstat -d $i | grep -i link
echo "---------------------"
sleep 2

This way we can replace faulty ethernet adapter . 

