Virtual IO is OS that used for Virtualizing Physical resources like Network adapter and Fibre channel adapter.
Below i am sharing procedure for Creating A Virtual Disk For AIX LPAR.
step1 :
Identify AIX LPAR to which disk need to map
Here i am considering that from storage end disk mapped to VIO server
$lsmap -all     // show device mapping on VIO server
then identify vhost adapter to which LPAR is connected.
How to identify vhost adapter for AIX lpar
<!--[if !supportLists]
·         Go to AIX LAPR
·         Execute lparstat –i
·         Find partition id
·         If its between 1 to 9 then then no need to convert it to hexadecimal ,but if its above 9(ex.10,11,12,13,14,15)then here need to convert to hexadecimal value.
Take help of calculator to convert decimal value to hexadecimal.
·         Login VIO ,execute lsmap –all ,then find vhost adapter for corresponding lpar id.
Example.Let say LPAR partition id is 7 then find 7 in lsmap –all output in client column on vio.
#lsmap -all
above command will show mapping all adapter and vhost6 is the vadapter
connected to AIX client adapter.
SVSA            Physloc                                      Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------
vhost6          XXXX.XXxxx.zzzzz-V1-C26                     0x00000007
VTD                   os_backup_disk
Status                Available
LUN                   0x00000000000000
Backing device        hdisk6
What will be client id on vio if AIX client partition ID is 10 ??
Then value on VIO will be “A”. Because hexadecimal value for 10 is “A” and on VIO server .
AIX partition ID            client ID on VIO
10                                                                    A
11                                                                    B
12                                                                    D
13                                                                    E
14                                                                    F
15                                                                    10
step 2: Take lspv output in excel file before running "cfgmgr".
then run "cfgmgr " on VIO and take lspv output .
do comparison between lspv output which we took "before running cfgmgr" and "after running cfgmgr".here you will get new disk which is assgined from storage side.
step 3: mkdev command is used to map disk to AIX LPAR
mkvdev -vdev hdiskX -vadapter VhostY -dev Namefordisk 
mkvdev -vdev hdisk12 -vadapter Vhost6 -dev os_backup_disk
step 4:To check whether disk is mapped or not execute following command.
#lsmap -vadapter vhost6
above command will show mapping for vhost6.
SVSA            Physloc                                      Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------
vhost6          XXXX.XXxxx.zzzzz-V1-C26                     0x00000007
VTD                   os_backup_disk
Status                Available
LUN                   0x00000000000000
Backing device        hdisk6
step 5:Then login to AIX LPAR which is client of VIO server and well connected to VIO.
excute "cfgmgr" command but before executing cfgmgr again take lspv command output,this help to identify new disk easily.
here new disk will be available on AIX LPAR and then add to required volume group or create new volume group using this disk or add to any existing volume group.
will keep writing....

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