Trial/Temporary Capacity on Demand (CoD) -- AIX
What is Trial capacity on Demand??
You can evaluate the use of inactive processors, memory, or both, at no charge using Trial CoD.
After it is started, the trial period is available for 30 power-on days.
How to enable Temporary TCOD on AIX Frame:
In our environment we tried to enable it for 24hrs only and its temporary
AIX LPAR Current PU Current VP Target PU Target VP
gold_LPAR 2 4 8 10
Silver_LPAR 1 4 8 10
Diamond_LPAR 2 4 8 10
Marble_LPAR 2 4 8 10
Before proceeding for TCOD and DLPAR operation make sure that on the AIX frame enough free CPU processing units are available.
if not then AIX admin need to get those.
Step 1
Login to HMC
step 2
select frame, where AIX admin wants to perform TCOD
step 3
Select COD Functions --->
Under on/off Processor choose ----->manage
Here enter:
1. Number of On/Off COD processor: 25
2.Number of Days:1
How we calculate Number of On/Off COD processor??
Total Current processing units: 2+1+2+2=7
Total Target Processing Units=8+8+8+8=32
2 case we need to consider here before adding "Number of On/Off COD processor"
Case 1 where no no free processing units available
If on our AIX Frame there is no free processing units available, then AIX admin need to add total 25 processing units under step3.
Case 2
If there is 10 processing units free on AIX frame then AIX admin can add 15 processing units.
Target requirement 25 and free on AIX Frame is 10
Target Processing UNITS- Free Processing units on AIX frame= 15
so need to add only 15 prcessor under step 3 "Nmber of On/Off COD
Step 4:
Business requirement is for 24 hrs only so we are mentioning 1 day here
Number of Days:1
AIX admin need to deactive/remove CPU resource before specified time expires ,using DLPAR option.
If he forgot to do so will get charged for extra day.
step 5:
Then AIX admin need to make sure that these units are showing as free on AIX frame.
once he sure that,there are 25 processing units are free he can proceed for DLPAR operation of "Entitled Processing units" and "Virtual Processing units"
step 6:
After DLPAR operation performed by AIX Admin , he assigned "Target Processing Units" and "Target Virtual processor", he need to take command line session
of HMC using hscroot to to run optimizer command using hscroot user
#lsmemopt -m sys -o currscore -r lpar
Above command will show score value ,till we get value 95 we have to run following optimizer command
once you run optimizer command wait for 15-20 minutes and check score using "lsmemopt" command.
Optimize command:
#optmem -m <frame name> -t affinity -o start
Example of command if my frame name is p9117-pmmd-hmc10
To list score
lsmemopt -m p9117-pmmd-hmc10 -o currscore -r lpar
To optimize on specific frame
optmem -m p9117-pmmd-hmc10 -t affinity -o start
**once AIX admin get score is equal to 95 or greater that 95 then no need to execute optimizer command
How AIX admin will deactivate TCOD before time expire:
step 1.
Go to HMC perform DLPAR and assign "processsing units" and Virtual Processor which was set before TCOD operation.
step 2: once "processing units" are free, AIX admin confirm this by checking at frame level.
step 3: Once he sure that "processor are free he needs to follow below sequence:
Select COD Functions --->
Under on/off Processor choose ----->manage
Here enter :
1. Number of On/Off COD processor: 0
2.Number of Days:0
Then press OK button. AIX admin confirm this by checking free available processing units at frame level.
AIX admin must run following 2 command
To list score
lsmemopt -m p9117-pmmd-hmc10 -o currscore -r lpar
To optimize on specific frame
#optmem -m p9117-pmmd-hmc10 -t affinity -o start
**once AIX admin get score is equal to 95 or greater that 95 then no need to execute optimizer command
Thanks !!!!