Friday, October 14, 2022

Move resource group from one node to other using clRGmove command

Move resource group from one node to other AIX hacmp
AIX admin also use command to move RG,like below

clRGmove -g <RG> -n  <node> -m

<RG> --This is resource group name
-n  --This is for node name is HACMP cluster

After RG movement completed successfully use following command to confirm if resource group movement completed successfully.

#lssrc -ls clstrmgrES |grep -i state   // To check cluster state

Always Take cluster snapshot before doing any criticle activity, also make sure that admin have all pre-chek and mksysb.

How to move resource group using smitty menu

smitty hacmp

                    HACMP for AIX

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Initialization and Standard Configuration
  Extended Configuration
  System Management (C-SPOC)
  Problem Determination Tools

Select "System Management"


         System Management (C-SPOC)

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Manage HACMP Services
  HACMP Communication Interface Management
  HACMP Resource Group and Application Management
  Open a SMIT Session on a Node

Select "HACMP Resource Group and Application Management"


          HACMP Resource Group and Application Management

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Show the Current State of Applications and Resource Groups
  Bring a Resource Group Online
  Bring a Resource Group Offline
  Move a Resource Group to Another Node / Site

  Suspend/Resume Application Monitoring
  Application Availability Analysis

Select "Move a Resource Group to Another Node / Site"


           Move a Resource Group to Another Node / Site

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

  Move Resource Groups to Another Node
  Move Resource Groups to Another Site

Select "Move Resource Groups to Another Node"


		   Select a Resource Group                      
 Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.                             
   # Resource Group                State                Node(s) / Site    
     app_rg                       ONLINE                node1 /         
     data_rg                      ONLINE                node2 /        

Select the resource group to be moved.


		   Select a Destination Node                         
  Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.                             
    # *Denotes Originally Configured Highest Priority Node                 

Select a destination node.


         Move Resource Group(s) to Another Node

Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

                                                        [Entry Fields]
  Resource Group(s) to be Moved                       app_rg
  Destination Node                                    node2

Confirm the entry fields are correct and press Enter


  Command: OK            stdout: yes           stderr: no

Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.

Attempting to move resource group app_rg to node node2.

Waiting for the cluster to process the resource group movement request....

Waiting for the cluster to stabilize........................................

Resource group movement successful.
Resource group app_rg is online on node2.

Cluster Name: node2

Resource Group Name: app_rg
Node                         State
---------------------------- ---------------
node2                       ONLINE
node1                       OFFLINE

Resource Group Name: data_rg
Node                         State
---------------------------- ---------------
node2                       OFFLINE
node1                       ONLINE


Thanks !!!!

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