Friday, November 18, 2022

Script for enabling failed vscsi and fscsi path on AIX client .

 Hello All,

Today will share small script which tested and used for enabling failed path on AIX client LPAR.

sometime AIX admin needs to take reboot of VIO server for maintenance activity, when AIX admin reboot 1 VIO server out of 2 then 1 VSCSI or FSCSI path become failed. once VIO is up and active sometime AIX admin observe that after VIO up some path still in failed state. AIX admin can try following script to enable those path

Scenario: Script to enable only failed path

for s in `lspath |grep -i failed|awk '{print $2}'`


chpath -l $s -p `lspath -l $s |grep -i failed|awk '{print $3}'` -s Enabled

sleep 2


To confirm whether any path on VIO server is failed or not

#lspath |grep -i failed

Thanks  !!!


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Run perfpmr on AIX to provide performance data from AIX server.

 Sometime AIX admin needs to provide AIX LPAR performance data to support for analysis,

this data generally required when there is performance issue on AIX LPAR.


perfpmr data accurate and effective when AIX admin run during problem window or when problem exists.

IBM support provide script of perfpmr AIX admin must run script which is valid according to version of AIX operating system

steps to run perfpmr on AIX


step 1:


           From the internet:


     configure "perfpmr" 1st time 

          once following file downloaded and placed on temporary location on AIX LPAR ,follow following procedure,

         login as root 

          create perf71 directory inside /tmp  and move tar file to that directory 

             # mkdir /tmp/perf71
             # cd /tmp/perf71

          c. extract the shell scripts out of the compressed
               tar file:

             # zcat /tmp/perf71.tar.Z | tar -xvf -

Step 2:

Create following directory

# mkdir /tmp/perfdata
# cd /tmp/perfdata

and run following script to start perfpmr and make sure that following script executed from "/tmp/perfdata" path only. if he execute in any other path all data will be collected there.

#nohup /tmp/perf71/ 600 &

it will run command in background for 600 seconds, for 10 minutes

AIX Admin can monitor this by 

#tail -f nohup.out 

once from nohup.out AIX admin confirm that perfpmr completed ,admin can convert that directory to pax.gz by following command

#cd /tmp

#ls -ld perfdata

#pax -xpax -vw perfdata | gzip -c > pmr#.pax.gz

once file is genrated send that file to IBM support for analysis.



split command Unix AIX

split command Unix AIX

AIX split command is useful when larg size "snap" file genrated and AIX admin unable to upload it on IBM ecurep portal because of file upload size restriction on company environment.

AIX admin can split file by using following command.

#split -b  size_of _file large_size_file_name

---size of file  ,  Here AIX admin mention 10th of the size of file, displayed by ls -l command
---large_size_file_name--- Mention file name which AIX admin wanted to split.

after above split command execution following 3 file will get generated,


AIX admin upload these files to ecurep portal.

this way AIX admin split large size file in 3 part and reduce size. this will help to bypass restriction of larg file upload

Thanks !!!!!

iptrace run on AIX client and server

 Execute IPtrace on AIX Server and client for IBM support.


AIX NFS client command

#startsrc -s iptrace -a "-a -bd server IP /tmp/iptracefile.client.raw"

AIX NFS server command

#startsrc -s iptrace -a "-a -bd Client IP /tmp/iptracefile.client.raw"

When AIX admin run iptrace for certain time period ,admin can stop iptrace using following command

stopsrc -s iptrace // for stopping on client and server
