Wednesday, June 27, 2018

How to take MKSYSB of AIX LPAR from NIM MASTER

How to take MKSYSB of AIX LPAR from NIM MASTER
During my struggling days for job when I was appeared for interview, interviewer asked me how to take backup from NIM master, after hearing I was completely blank. After this incident I collected all knowledge from my friend and team-mate for how to take backup from NIM MASTER. So this blog is for those who want to know how to take backup of AIX LPAR from NIM MASTER.
Generally command for taking AIX LPAR backup from locally is like below.
#mksysb –iX /tmp/aixbackup/hostname_backup

But what will procedure if AIX admin want to take backup from NIM MASTER.
Step by step procedure to take MKSYSB backup from NIM MASTER on AIX LPAR.
1. On NIM MASTER enter AIX LPAR hostname/IP entry in /etc/hosts file.
2. Enable rshd on AIX LPAR by following command.
# Chsubserver -a -v shell -p tcp6 -r inetd
          # refresh –s inetd
          # cd  /
          # rm .rhosts
          # vi .rhosts
Here if AIX admin want to take backup of multiple AIX LPAR then simply add + in .rhosts file.
If admin want to take selective AIX LAPR backup then only add hostname of these LPAR in .rhosts file.
          # chmod 600 .rhosts

3. Copy /etc/niminfo file from NIM MASTER to client /etc location

4. Execute following command to take backup of AIX LPAR from NIM MASTER.
# nim -o define -t mksysb -a server=master \
-a location=/backup/AIXLpar -a mk_image=yes \
-a source=AIX_Lpar_name  mksysb_AIX71TL04

-t                      Type of resource here it is MKSYSB.
Server             Specify “master”.
Location         Path on NIM master where AIX_LPAR image will be stored.
source                   Name of AIX client (hostname of AIX LPAR)
Mksysb_AIX71TL04        MKSYSB resource name

5. Create spot from existing MKSYSB resource Mksysb_AIX71TL04.

#nim -o define -t spot -a source= Mksysb_AIX71TL04 -a server=master -a location=/export/spot  spot_ AIX71TL04

By using MKSYSB resource and SPOT AIX admin can restore AIX client to same AIX level.


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