Thursday, June 21, 2018

AIX command

Commonly used AIX command
AIX LVM command
Lsvg       List all VG on server
Lsvg –o   List active VG on server
Lsvg –l  vgname                                List all logical volume in volume group
example  of mkvg command.
mkvg -y vgname hdisk0 hdisk1
mkvg -y my_vg –s 128 hdisk0 hdisk1
mkvg -s 2 -t 2 vgname hdisk1
# mkvg -B -y vgname -s 128 -f -n -V 101
# mkvg -S -y vgname -s 128 -f -n -V 101
Flag of mkvg
-s                    specify the physical partition size
-y                    indicate the name of the new vg
-f                     forcefully create volume group
-t                    t factor
-V                 major number of volume group
-S                Create scalable volume group
LV create command
#mklv -t jfs2 -y testlv datavg 60
-t type of LV
-y LV name
File system creation command
crfs -v jfs2 -d testlv -m /datamnt -A yes
-v  File system Type
-d  device on which we creating file system
-m mount point
-A  automount

#Mount /mount-point  File system mount command.

AIX system resource controller command
lssrc –a                 show all system resource controller and their status
lssrc  –s sshd      show sshd status on server    
lssrc –g nfs            show service status on all services in nfs group

lssrc –g group name                        Command to see service status in specific group
lssrc –s service_name                                    Command to see specific service status

startsrc –g groupname                  To start all services in specific group
stopsrc –g groupname                   To stop all services in specific group
refresh –s service name                               To refresh specific service
refresh –g groupname                  to refresh services in specific group

Command for changing bootlist and showing bootlist on AIX

bootlist -m normal -o    It will  display bootlist for AIX server.

#bootlist -m normal -o
output :
hdisk0 blv=hd5 pathid=0

bootlist -b     Show last boot device from which AIX LPAR booted.

bootlist -m normal hdisk0 blv=hd5 hdisk1 blv=hd5    This command change bootlist to hdisk0 and hdisk1

AIX file system utilization command

df -gt     This command display all filesystem which are mounted on AIX server.
df -gt /fsname   Display specific filesysetm disk utilization.

-g  show File system utilization in GB unit
-m show File system utilization in MB unit
-k  show File system utilization in 1024-byte blocks unit

Command to take OS backup on AIX

mksysb -ieX /path_to_take_backup     This command will create AIX mksysb backup with excluded content.

mksysb -iX   This will create full backup of AIX OS.

-i mksz command called to create file.
-e check /etc/exclude.rootvg and exclude required file from backup
-X expand /tmp dynamically if needed

Mirroring AIX rootvg to hdisk1
extendvg rootvg hdisk1
mirrorvg rootvg
bosboot -ad hdisk0
bosboot -ad hdisk1
bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1

Command To list devices on AIX
cfgmgr  Detect new device on AIX
lsdev  List all devices on AIX LPAR
lsdev -Cc disk    Show disk information on AIX
lsdev -Cc adapter |grep -i fcs  show only FCS adapter information
lsdev -Cc adapter |grep -i ent  show only ethernet adapter information
lscfg -vl fcs0 | grep Network  display wwn of fcs0 adapter

Performance Monitoring
For monitoring performance of AIX LPAR admin can use command like topas,nmon,svmon,ipcs ,vmstat and df .

topas    Monitor top process which are consuming system resources ,also can monitor paging space ,memory and CPU utilization

while topas is running if admin press ~ (tild) then topas switch to nmon mode.

nmon   This command also show information like ,CPU ,Memory and paging

lsps -s  Show paging space utilization.

# svmon -P -O summary=basic,unit=MB    Virtual memory stats in Mb

#vmstat 2 5   Show five output at interval of 2 contains CPU and memory utilization.

ipcs     Report interprocess communication information like shared memory,semaphore and queue details.

-s semaphore 
-m memory
q- message queue

will update new command .............

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