Sunday, July 18, 2021

How to replace faulty disk on AIX VIO rootvg using DIAG HOT plug task

 How to replace faulty disk on AIX VIO rootvg using DIAG HOT plug task??

AIX admin can replace faulty hard drive using

"DIAG" procedure. here faulty disk must support 

hot swap operation.

Before replacement we need to do some pre-check,

1. IS this part of rootvg and its in mirror ?

Ans : if yes then ,identify that disk and unmirror 

that disk from rootvg using following command.

#umirrovg rootvg hdisk1

#reducevg rootvg hdisk1

2. Identify disk location using lscfg command

#lscfg -vpl hdisk1

3. make sure that disk is removed from rootvg.

Once all precheck done we can identify hdisk1 by following procdure,


DIAG--->Certify media Task---->Hot plug task--->scsi and scsi RAID hot plug RAID manager----->Identify disk

Select hdisk1 and make sure location and disk is current and press enter key.

Example . 

XXX.XXX.XX.P2-C9-D5    //disk location

once "Enter key pressed" LED will blink, which set disk to identify mode.

once disk identified, you can exit from this menu by pressing "enter" and come to previous menu by "ESC +3"


Next is Remove and replace hdisk1


DIAG--->Certify media Task---->Hot plug task--->scsi and scsi RAID hot plug RAID manager----->Identify disk-->Replace / Remove a Device Attached to An SCSI Hot Swap Enclosure Device

select hdisk1 and make sure location and disk is current and press enter key.


now disk is ready for remove and replace.

now you can ask remote engineer to perform disk replacement.


Once disk replaced you need to detect that disk on AIX LPAR.

follow below procedure it will configure newly replaced disk on LPAR.

DIAG--->Certify media Task---->Hot plug task--->scsi and scsi RAID hot plug RAID manager-->Configure Added/Replaced Devices

identify new disk by lspv and lscfg command 

#lscfg -vpl hdisk    // it will have new serial number.

Thanks !!!!

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