Hello everyone today i am going to share knowledge on how we can
create versioned WPAR on AIX 7.1.
For creating versioned WPAR you
need to pay some cost to IBM for versioned WPAR fileset .Version WPAR are
supported on AIX 7.1 only.
So question is why we need
version WPAR ??
Generally versioned WPAR is AIX
5.3 and AIX 5.2 instance running on AIX 7.1 .When client application or database having
operating system version dependency then version WPAR come in picture.
Minimum OS requirement for
creating versioned WPAR
Global LPAR
OS version :AIX 7.1 TL01 SP05 recommended .
Minimum AIX
7.1 TL01 SP04.
extention OS version :AIX 5.3 TL12 SP 05(minimum) and AIX 5.2 TL10
Lets see step by step procedure
how to create versioned WPAR on AIX 7.1 TL03 SP04.we going to create AIX 5.3
versioned WPAR on AIX 7.1
Hardware : IBM POWER8
Step 1:
First create fresh MKSYSB
backup of client LPAR OS (AIX 5.3 TL12 SP05).
Step 2: Create target AIX 7.1
TL03 SP04 LPAR and then install following licensed fileset on that GLOBAL LPAR.
licensed fileset for versioned
vwpar.images.53 COMMITTED Versioned WPAR 5.3 Support
vwpar.images.base COMMITTED Versioned WPAR Base Support
COMMITTED Versioned WPAR Management
bos.wpars COMMITTED AIX Workload Partition
copy required versioned wpar fileset(IBM Licensed fileset) on
/tmp/wpar_5.3 path,which you purchased from IBM for creating versioned WPAR.
Step 3:Then
#cd /tmp/wpar_5.3
#inutoc .
use smit
install to install all fileset in path for supporting versioned WPAR of AIX 5.3.
Step 4:
versioned wpar fileset installation completed check installed fileset using
#lslpp -l
|grep -i wpar
Step 5:
Copy AIX 5.3 MKSYSB using
NFS share to GLOBAL LPAR in file system /mksysb_AIX_LPAR/image/ path.
Step 6:
Assign 70 GB SAN disk on Global AIX 7.1 LPAR for WPAR install.
cd to path /mksysb_AIX_LPAR/image
Execute mkwpar command with following flag
# mkwpar
-D rootvg=yes devname=hdisk1 -n wparb -h wparb -N interface=en0
netmask= address=XX.XX.XX.XX -r -C -B lparb.mksysb –l
D configure device from global LPAR to WPAR when system start
devname device name to allocate to the versioned WPAR
rootvg=yes use specified device as rootvg.
h hostname
n wpar name
N interface name for IP configuration
r Duplicate network configuration file from global LPAR
C Create versioned WPAR
B workload partition backup image (mksysb image)
l Creates private and writable versions of the /usr and /opt file systems
Above command will take around 20-25 minutes
Once command completes it will show versioned wpar has been
created successfully.
Step 7:Check versioned WPAR is active or not by following command
Following are the state of WPAR.
A Active
D defined
Step 8:
#startwpar wparb
above command will start WPARB.for accessing wparb it must be in ACTIVE state.
wpar started login to WPAR using command
#clogin wparb
It will
show AIX 5.3 versioned WPAR console
Thanks !!!
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